Aviation Renters
Insurance On-Demand
Game-changing technology
from Starr
- Buy renter coverage by the month, or the year
- Fixed wing pilots can use cockpit data to score flight safety with CloudAhoy
- Safe pilots can earn discounts up to 35% off (app scores will never increase your insurance cost)
- Click here for a 35-day trial of CloudAhoy Pro, the top cloud-based, post-flight debriefing tool for pilots*
Your Coverage
Managing your level of coverage is simple. Choose monthly or annual insurance, and only pay for the coverage you need.
Flight Plan
For Savings
Score your flights to improve your performance over time. Safe fliers can save up to 35% on renters insurance.
Air Show
& Tell
Share your Pilot Score with fellow pilots on social media, email, or text to see who’s the safest. Flight scoring powered by CloudAhoy
It's Never Been Easier to Get Covered
Take control today. Starr is here to change the way you fly.